Terms and Conditions

Please read and agree to the terms and conditions before submitting.

  1. Introduction

Welcome to jm.live. By using our services and submitting this Website Design and Domain Registration Form, you agree to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions.

  1. Service Description

We offer multiple website design plans, ranging from basic to advanced options. Each plan includes a specified number of pages, such as home page, about page, services or products page, and contact page, along with a simple logo display and a domain name such as "yourname.jm.live". Free hosting is also provided.

  1. Turnaround Time

The Likkle But Tallawah Starter Plan and 'Standard Plan' will be created within 7 working days following the completion of the website and domain registration form and receipt of payment in our account. The Tallawah Pro plan takes a minimum of 2 weeks, with the exact timeline depending on customization requests and other factors.

  1. Payment Terms

The fee for each website design plan is specified at the time of purchase and is non-refundable. Payment must be made either through online payment or bank transfer. Your website will not be created until the payment has been received and confirmed.

  1. Submission Requirements

All form sections must be completed in full. Incomplete forms may result in delays in processing your application. Submissions will be accepted online only.

  1. Intellectual Property

Upon completion and delivery of the website, you will own the content and have registered domain name. However, we reserve the right to display your website in our portfolio and marketing materials.

  1. Logo Design

The logo provided will be simple and for display on the website. We will not provide an individual file.

  1. Free Hosting

Free hosting is provided as part of our service. However, we do not guarantee uptime or assume responsibility for any server issues beyond our control.

  1. Revisions and Changes

Any revisions or changes to the website after the initial completion will be subject to additional fees. Minor adjustments will be accommodated within reason, but substantial changes will require a new service agreement.

  1. Client Responsibilities

You are responsible for providing accurate and complete information during the application process. Any delays caused by inaccurate or incomplete information will not be the responsibility of jm.live.

  1. Content Restrictions

We do not design or host websites that contain pornographic material, content involving the exploitation of minors, or any other content that is illegal, harmful, or deemed inappropriate by our standards. We reserve the right to refuse or terminate service if such content is found.

  1. Termination

We reserve the right to terminate the service if there is any breach of these terms and conditions, including but not limited to non-payment, providing false information, or misuse of the website.

  1. Liability

jm.live shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use of our services. Our liability is limited to the amount paid for the service.

  1. Governing Law

These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Jamaica. Any disputes arising from these terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Jamaica.

  1. Contact Information

For any queries or concerns, please contact us at info@jm.live or call 1 (876) 418-2524.

By submitting this form, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

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